Saturday 6 May 2017

Reflection - After Responsive & What Learnt

For me the responsive module has helped me most identify where my future interests lie in terms of what I want to pursue creatively. For example in one of the briefs I had my first experience with roto scoping which I found very enjoyable and I was proud of the results that I achieved. This process is something that I want to experiment with further over the summer holidays - with the aim of pushing what I can do with the process to find the limits of it and refine aspects that I think need improving. I will also look into using different medias for this process also.

Ultimately I think what responsive has taught me is that I do my best work when I am fully enjoying the work, I also have more pride in the finished article when I have enjoyed working on a project - so from this insight i think it best for me to really think carefully about the work that I take on.

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