Monday 25 April 2016

David Firth - Interview

I really like how David Firth creates his animations 'play by play', kind of just observing his own creative thoughts and letting them come into fruition naturally to form a piece of animation. He allows the most dark aspects of his psyche come through in his work and does not really question why he has chosen to write a certain narrative or why the animation looks the way that it does, he mentions in this interview that he gains a lot of inspiration from his dreams and has many notebooks that he jots down ideas in after he has woken up or when he has any spare time.
This constant jotting down of ideas really opens the doors to creativity as  the 'valve' of creativity is in full flow almost all of the time.
What looking at the process of David Firth tells me about animation is that it is a much more productive use of time for an animator to get down as many ideas as possible so that when it comes to producing something for a client - the ideas are already present even when you may only have a suggestion of what they would like to see, I think this comes from the way the brain can make a connection between something that is seemingly irrelevant.

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