Monday 25 April 2016

atomic hubbub - satirical animation

I chose this animation to research as not only do I like the process that the animator has chosen to use but also the tone of the animation is satirical, and satire is something that I am interested in pushing through my work - or rather I would like to aim for a political/social message to come through in my work. 
The animation appears to make use of some kind of print method over the top of certain frames, if I take this process and simplify it by using mono-printing on frames it would make the process faster as opposed to screen printing things over the top of frames, it would also provide the animation with a very 'make do' look to it, which seems to be common in satirical material such as zines - which also have a very personal feel about them which is something I want to put into my work, I would like it to be unique to me.

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