Monday 25 April 2016

Bendito Machine 'Everything You Need' - Animated Short

In this animation there is a strong environmental message relative to over consumption and the pollution  that follows as a result. You could also say that there is a political message to pick up on in this short, with two opposing groups with one exploiting and attacking the other which inevitably ends with the offensive group being destroyed due to violence being self-perpetuted. There is also a strong hint at karma in this animation with the opposing group being destroyed a result of their own actions.

I am wanting to seek out more animations that have a deep underlying message to them, to see how they have put that message across through storytelling and visual references. There is a certain amount of subtlety that you have to account for when producing a story with a message, I feel the audience has to realise what the message is for themselves for the most part for it to really have any affect on their feelings/opinions of a certain topic.

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