Saturday 27 February 2016

Online Culture - 'a e s t h e t i c' & Re-appropriation of Animation

A couple of days ago I encountered a music genre called 'vaporwave' which first originated around 2010 and was released on the internet, at first the the music genre was meant to be satirical, a jibe at consumerist society and so-called pretentious musical genre's. It consists of  audio samples from retro instructional videos and 808 drum machine production styles.
Album covers and artist names featured retro reference imagery and names such as 'Macintosh Plus' an artist who you could say became a meme for the genre of vaporwave.
Through investigating this online phenomena and musical genre I discovered this video whereby The Simpsons have been reappropriated into a kind of 80/90's montage akin to cinematography of miami vice. I think this works because The Simpsons began in the late 80's and kept the fashions of that time attributed to the characters we see in the series.
I find it interesting how an online movement revolving around the retro, and fashions of the 80's/90's has been able to re-appropriate imagery and audio into something that embodies what the consumerist society has become in its; old, grainy, washed out, tired look.

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