Sunday 7 February 2016

CDT Crew - Youtube - VHS mash ups and editing style (OUAN402)

CDT (Crazy Dave Tapes) is an online entity that creates video mixtapes featuring found VHS footage and other audiovisual ephemera. The types of clips that usually feature in the mixtapes are of old novelty TV ads, cheap movie remakes/rip-offs, 'cheesy' kung-fu and action movies, budget horror movies, public access TV segments and more.
What interests me about this work is the raw, rough stitched together aesthetic that is incorporated into the work. It tries to make something that is a bridge between entertainment and art, something which I myself would like to experiment with and a direction that i see my own practice moving towards.
Because most of the footage is of old VHS movies and ephemera, there seems to be a comment on how far we have come with technology and special effects and these mixtapes seem to make a spectacle of that. Looking at these mixtapes and analyzing them I have noticed that there is a method to the madness in terms of editing and layering up footage and audio, the creators have made sure that there is a fluidity to the sequence of different clips and by doing that the viewer isn't waiting for something to happen but rather, bombarded with a stream of moving imagery and audio.
I shall experiment with video collage and try and think of ways that i can bring  this element together within my own practice of animation, responses will be documented as part of the process of reflection and my own primary research.

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