Thursday 17 May 2018

CONTACT WITH PROFFESIONAL - Narcsville a.k.a Nick Scott

One of the names that came up in conversation whilst inquiring in jumbo records, about people who might be able to give me advice, was Nick Scott A.K.A Narcsville.

Nick Scott has had a lot of experience as an illustrator/graphic designer, with a lot of his work being used by people in the music industry, The Cribs being one of his clients.

My first contact with Nick was through email, from there we decided that It would be easier to communicate through Whatsapp.

The first point that came up in conversation was how acquiring work within the music industry as a designer can be hard unless you already have contact with artists in your local scene. This is something that I have tried to establish with previous work for example a J insert for a cassette tape and a single cover. I have also tried to put a lot of emphasis on a musical theme through some of the work on my Instagram feed.

On a non creative note, some of the best advice that I received from Nick and that I can reflect on is the business aspect of creating work for artists/labels. He told me that often jobs will tend to 'fatten up' in that a label may ask you at first to produce an album cover, then a live gig poster and so on - so it is important to be clear with the client that you are working with what it is that you are willing to produce for an agreed fee. This should also be in writing.

Another thing that Nick told me to watch out for is the grey areas/ confusions or as he put it 'willful avoidances of clarity' by clients. Often people will take ages to respond to proofs and in this respect you need to be insistent, organised and motivated. Especially if working with a certain client ensures that your rent is to be paid on time!

Another piece of advice that Nick gave me was to not pigeon hole myself into a certain area of design and diversify in areas that might be much more corporate - but pay the bills. Not only does work of that nature pay the bills but it may also teach you valuable technical skills.

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