Friday 4 March 2016

Animation & Film Making - Ross Hogg - 'Scribble Dub' & 'Isabella'

I have come across an animator by the name of Ross Hogg, I find his work interesting as it is thought provoking and wish to investigate a lot of the processes he uses, some being analogue in that he has created an animation named 'scribble dub' whereby he has hand painted and scratched into film, projected it and filmed the results to produce a very unique looking animation with warm colours and plenty of grain.
A reason why I have chosen to talk about Hogg's work is that through looking at his work and the work of others I have realised that animation doesn't have to be telling a story through made up characters on a screen, or even telling a story, it could be adding atmosphere to a film, taking the audience on an emotional journey via an audiovisual combination without the aid of physical reference points such as characters/environments.
Looking at work like this interests me due to that fact that it opens up new avenues of exploration in terms of processes and subject matter, I'm also gaining more of a confidence in where i would like to take animation as a profession.

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