Sunday 22 April 2018


These are the various designs for my business letterhead. This final iteration of this design became the template for design when creating the business cards. I feel like there may be some adjustments to be made - for example the location of my business and perhaps invert the colour so that the text is black with a white background. I say this as I have realized that using this much ink would not be cost effective.
Final iteration

1st iteration

2nd iteration

3rd iteration

4th iteration


Here is my business invoice template, it asks for all of the necessary details of the client and the supplier (me).

CONTACT WITH PROFFESSIONAL - Monika Grubizna - Illustrator, Graphic Artist

I found Monika's work online and I really liked her approach to image making and journaling - making artbooks too. I felt like maybe there was something about her work that was similar to my own and I wanted to ask her about the route that she took into the industry. I got a response, and it was positive and encouraging however communication seemed to cease after this first contact.

But what I can take from this is that perhaps there is no clear cut way in to the creative industry/ making a living from what you create, and that taking action rather than overthinking things is what will propel you further towards your goal.


Here is my proposed business card design, I have implemented the same branding that I use when operating on social media sites - this helps to build the air of professionality that I am trying to cultivate. I chose add a small tagline to make it memorable for anybody that happens to pick up one of these cards.

I have also looked into how much these cards would cost to produce, and using a company such as Vistaprint they would cost around £25 for a batch of 500. This is an estimation for a card made with foil and bespoke materials - the notion that the quality of your promotional materials reflects the quality of the work you produce, was factored in to this estimate.