Wednesday 2 November 2016

PPP 2 - Studio Brief 1 ' a creative strategy' - 5 x 5

5 things learned so far -

On the Animation course I have learned that there are many areas of animation that you could pursue a career in be it pre production - writing stories, scripts, concept design, character design etc or post production - putting the finishing touches to films and animation.

One thing that i have learned about myself whilst being on the course is that I am very much an individual practitioner, more wanting to pursue my own interests with animation as more of a contemporary artist rather than a 'cog in the wheel', I want to use animation to describe to others how I might see the world or a certain situation.

I have realised that animation is very time consuming, i have really learned the limitations of this medium - you are very limited in the way that wanting to produce something that is very realistic in CGI would be very expensive and if you wanted to have that same amount of realism using traditional methods, it would be very time consuming.

I have also learned that if I were to lend my hand to a collaborative project, I would much prefer working on the pre-production side of things, storyboarding, writing etc. as I have less interest in the post-production side of a project.

Another thing that I have learnt is that to be an animator/to be involved in the animation industry you must have some degree of creative vision.

5 things you want to know more about -

I want to know more about animation in a gallery/performance setting.

I want to know more about using animation as a tool/social critique - does it work? if so how well?

I want to know more about interactive forms of animation.

I want to know more about how I can make my ambitions and ideas a reality - what channels can I go through? who can I speak to? how could I make a living from this?

I want to know more about animation's affinity with sound

5 skills that are your strengths -

I am a versatile creative practitioner

I am a good illustrator

I have graphic design experience

I have an ability to tell interesting stories and creative narratives where applicable

I have a vision

5 things you want to improve -

I want to be more competent with software

I want to improve my work ethic/ have more motivation

I want to improve my ability to collaborate effectively

I want to improve my editing skills

I want to improve my work rate

5 practitioners that inspire -


Theodore Ushev

Adam Curtis

Ryan Larkin

Norman Mclaren

5 websites that have helped


