Sunday 31 January 2016

The Big Lez Show - Reserch - (OUAN402) - PPP1

'The Big Lez Show' is a crudely animated Australian cartoon independently produced by Izak Whear, Jarrad Wright & Tom Hollis.
Even though the overall look of this animation is rather crude I feel it works well as a whole, because the cartoon is humorous the simplicity of the animation really gives the dialogue room to tie in the humor and makes the mythology of the show.
The reason the animation perhaps looks very low budget/rough is because all frames for the animation are produced in Microsoft Paint and then compiled into a video editing software, it's this simplicity of production - I think -  that allows the creators of the animation to add originality and imagination to their storylines consisting of people from another planet, enlightened Sasquatches and alien invasions.
Overall I would say I like this animation as it shows that keeping production very simple and low budget means that you can have more fun developing dialogue, narrative, character design, things that I myself enjoy much more than spending a lot more time developing the finished product.
I plan to investigate more into 'amateurish' looking, low budget cartoons to build up more of an idea of what makes them work and what the drawbacks are to this qualty (or lack thereof) of production. I also would like to experiment with these rough production techniques myself to try and build up an 'armory' of different techniques to choose from for a given project.