Friday 23 October 2015

Absorb- concept art

 The drawings in blue are inspired by the concept art of the matrix.

I really enjoyed drawing the combination between organic and mechanical shapes.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Photoshop Session Animations.

Here are two animations that i have created in the photoshop induction sessions using onion skinning and key framing.

As simple animations I am quite pleased with the results I have produced, it has helped me to better understand the tools available on photoshop.

I found that the top animation was easier to produce as I was key framing, it is also a much faster process as you are able to 'tween' (automatically fill in frames between two key frames.

 The animation below that was using the straight ahead principle of animation, perhaps this is why the animation has more of a fluidity to it compared to the animation produced via key framing/ pose to pose.

Monday 12 October 2015

Who am I? Why am I here? What do I want to learn?

Why did you choose to study on this programme?

I chose to study on the animation programme because I have a keen interest in sequential imagery, and animation seemed likely to be the next step in my natural progression as a creative practitioner.
I chose to study here specifically due to the way the course had been described to me as being very non-prescriptive in the way that students are encouraged to try all forms of animation to better discover where their interests lye and pursue them actively through set briefs.
I also chose to study on this programme as I really like the sense of community that I encountered whilst studying the ED programme previously at Leeds college of art.
The potential for what could be achieved whilst studying this programme really grabbed my attention whilst searching for other university programmes that I would like to study.
As I am very much a multi-disciplined creative practitioner with an interest in moving image and storytelling, I felt that this programme would be the best to tie in all of my skills together.

What do you want to learn during your time on the programme?

During my time on the program I would like to develop a basic understanding of all forms of animation so that I might effectively apply that knowledge to my own practice within the creative industry.
I would like to learn how rude animation within more of a contemporary art setting, how it might be applied to fine art installations etc.
I would like to learn how to incorporate my own artistic vision\aesthetic into moving image through animation.
I would like to learn more about the animation industry, different roles in particularly, so that I have a better understanding of where in the industry my skill set may best be utilized.
I would also like to develop a better awareness of what is current in the industry, what direction the industry is going in and to be more conscious of animators and animation in general.

What skills do you think are your strengths?

I would say that my ability to think visually and imagine how things look when they move is one of my strengths.
My ability to not be too critical of initial ideas & sketches is one of my strengths, as it allows me to quickly get a project started with lots of ideas being generated at the same time.
My intuition and ability to understand other peoples ideas and communicate with them on a collaborative project is another of my strengths.
I work well when I am on my own, my independence and ability to discipline myself when necessary is one of my strengths.
My ability to interpret a brief and engage with it independently to produce something that is unique to me is another of my strengths.

What things do you want to improve?

I want to improve my organizational and time keeping skills.
I would like to improve/develop my motivation levels in regards to being inspired to create, or develop more of an interest in various animators, animations & series, techniques and processes.
I want to improve my technical understanding of different softwares that will be useful in creating animations.
I want to develop my understanding of colour theory, and how it may be utilized within animation.
I would like to improve on my work rate,being able to recognize when a piece of work is finished rather than being too critical of the end product and trying to perfect it.

What ways will you evaluate your progress?

I will evaluate my progress by referring to feedback- seeing how far I have come along by assessing the feedback I gather from peers & tutors.
I shall reflect on previous work and recognize where I have improved and where there is room for improvement.
I can include evaluative notes in blog posts so that there is effectively a timeline of evaluative notes to refer back to, should I forget what it is that needs improvement.
A full written evaluation at the end of each module may also help me to evaluate my progress, as I would be taking considerable time to reflect on what I have learnt and what I could have done better etc.
A diary to hold evaluative notes may also be useful.